
Explanation of vote on the UN Security Council resolution on the situation in the Red Sea

Explanation of vote by Representative of Slovenia to the UN Security Council Ambassador Samuel Žbogar on the UN Security Council resolution on the maintenance of international peace and security in the Red Sea

Thank you, President. We thank the US and to Japan for their efforts in leading this process and for addressing several of our concerns in the draft.

Slovenia voted in favour of today’s resolution. As a maritime country with the port of Koper as a vital hub for transfer of goods to Europe, freedom of navigation is of utmost importance to us.

As we said during the Council’s deliberations last week, the deteriorating situation in the Red Sea is deeply concerning. We unequivocally condemn Houthi attacks on commercial vessels in the region’s crucial waterways. Attacks undermine international maritime security, and jeopardise critical flows of food, fuel and humanitarian assistance.

It furthermore risks dragging Yemen into a regional flare-up, at a time when critical progress towards lasting peace appears within reach.

The Houthi attacks must cease and the Council had a responsibility to respond.

At the same time, we regret that it was not possible to reach a consensual outcome on this text, and we believe that certain elements of the resolution could have benefitted from further clarification. In particular, our interpretation of Operative Paragraph 3 provides that any response to attacks in the Red Sea must be in line with international law, in particular international humanitarian and human rights law, and within the strict conditions of the exercise of self-defence.

Furthermore, even though we took a common position in abstaining on all of today’s amendments, we do recognise that Council action on all threats to international peace and security is required.

The Middle East region is in turmoil. Over 23,000 people have lost their lives since October. Addressing some elements of the current devastating crisis and failing to comprehensively respond to the most pressing and deadly issue of all will bring neither peace nor security to the region, in our view.

That is why Slovenia has been very clear in its continuous call for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza. We believe that this is our best hope for start restoring calm to the region and preventing further bloodshed.

Thank you.

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