
Statement on peacebuilding and sustaining peace

Statement by the Republic of Slovenia at the UN Security Council Arria Formula Meeting on Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace through Comprehensive Approaches – Investment in People, including Empowerment of Women

Thank you, Mme. Chair,

I thank Japan, Guyana and Mozambique for convening today’s Arria Formula meeting. I also thank the briefers for their presentations.

Regarding the questions posed in the concept paper, I would like to underline the following four points:

Firstly, the importance of respecting, protecting and promoting human rights for building peaceful, just and resilient societies. The link between human rights violations and conflict is strong; human rights violations and abuse are often the root cause of violence and conflict and can be its consequence.

UN human rights system provides the collective toolbox for supporting countries in the conflict prevention, peace building and sustaining peace. Such tools are also part of the transitional justice processes that are specific, nationally owned and focused on victims and survivors. They can empower and transform societies, and help them overcome the legacy of large-scale past conflict and human rights violations, in order to ensure accountability, serve justice and achieve reconciliation.

Secondly, the importance of conflict prevention.

Effective prevention requires inclusive and holistic approach and necessitates building trust. This means a need for a broad participation and ownership of different stakeholders, including local civil society organisations, sub-regional and regional actors. They often possess in-depth knowledge and understanding of political, social and cultural contexts on the ground.

They are particularly well placed to provide early warning and can be key partners for efficient prevention and peacebuilding, based on human dignity and human security.

We need to strengthen our efforts around particular risk and the most pressing challenges to peace, accompanied by inclusive conflict analysis and understanding of context-specific needs. We should be united in identifying and addressing these risks and building trust. Lack of trust is a serious driver in many conflicts.

My third point is about crucial role of women as agents of change in preventing and resolving conflicts, as well as in building and sustaining peace. Their full, equal, safe and meaningful participation in all decision-making and peace processes must be assured. Societies that empower women are more peaceful and when women are included, peace is more sustainable.

Preventive measures as well as early warning and monitoring mechanisms to counter sexual and gender based violence need to be strengthened – as it continues to be a common occurrence in conflict and post-conflict settings.

Finally, Mme. Chair, Slovenia firmly believes that there can be no durable peace without just, inclusive and sustainable management of natural resources and environmental protection. Environmental degradation, impacts of climate change and unequal distribution of natural resources can prolong, deepen and escalate existing conflicts or trigger new ones. Rehabilitating ecosystems and managing resources equitably and sustainably are key components of rebuilding resilient communities. Environmental peacebuilding offers an opportunity to build trust, cooperate and prevent recurrence of conflicts.

UN Security Council, as well as the Peacebuilding Commission can benefit significantly from the knowledge gathered by UN Environment (UNEP) and the Climate Security Mechanism, as well as women-led projects supported by the Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund in this domain.

Thank you.

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