
Explanation of vote on a draft resolution on the Non-proliferation in outer space

Explanation of vote by Representative of Slovenia to the UN Security Council Ambassador Samuel Žbogar at the meeting on the Non-proliferation

Madam President,

We thank the co-sponsors US and Japan for their efforts in leading this process.

We deeply regret the use of the veto by the Russian Federation. This is a missed opportunity to reinforce global security by preventing the potential weaponization of outer space.

Slovenia engaged in good faith in the negotiations of this resolution with the aim to ensure a safe and secure space environment and peaceful use of outer space.

We voted in favor of the resolution because it emphasizes the key role of the United Nations and underscores the importance of international space law namely the 1967 Outer Space Treaty as the cornerstone of international legal regime governing outer space activities in the common interest of humankind. In other words, Madam President, this resolution embodies effective multilateralism on Earth and in outer space.

The peaceful use and exploration of outer space extend beyond scientific endeavors; they stand for pinnacle of aspirations and humanity’s imagination. More and more our lives depend on the use of space-based technology – whether using satellites for navigation, forecasting weather, monitoring biodiversity, tracking deforestation, managing natural resources, mitigating climate change or keeping in touch with family and friends online.

Considering the benefits it brings and hopefully will continue to bring to society, it is vital that it remains the province of all humankind and is preserved for peaceful purposes.

We particularly stress the importance of peaceful exploration and use of outer space for us today and for the future generations. For the benefit of all humankind.

Thank you.

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