Sporočilo ministrice Fajon ob mednarodnem dnevu žensk in deklet v znanosti
Ob mednarodnem dnevu ženske in deklet v znanosti ministrica Fajon poudarja…
S spoštovanjem mednarodnega prava, preprečevanjem konfliktov, zagovarjanjem transparentnosti in spodbujanjem agende o ženskah, miru in varnosti.
Z osredotočenostjo na podnebje in varnost, vodno diplomacijo, prehransko varnost in otroke v oboroženih spopadih.
Ob mednarodnem dnevu ženske in deklet v znanosti ministrica Fajon poudarja…
Danes se je 79 držav pogodbenic pridružilo izjavi v podporo Mednarodnemu kazenskemu sodišču, ki…
Republika Slovenija ocenjuje, da so predlogi o prisilni preselitvi…
Slovenija je postala država članica Organizacije združenih narodov 22. maja 1992. S tem je bil končan proces osamosvojitve in Slovenija je postala suverena, neodvisna in mednarodno priznana država. Vstop v organizacijo predstavlja velik diplomatski uspeh, zato smo v obeležitev dogodka 22. maj razglasili za dan slovenske diplomacije.
Stalno predstavništvo Republike Slovenije v Organizaciji združenih narodov. | Krepimo zaupanje. Varujemo prihodnost.
At #UNSC mtg on Yemen Slovenia condemned the death of a WFP staff member in Houthi detention, calling for the immediate release of all those detained.
Humanitarians are #NotATarget.
All parties must prioritise the needs of the Yemeni people & show a genuine commitment to peace.
Read the full statement on our website 👇:
Women still make up only 1 in 3 researchers globally.
What breakthroughs are we missing without more women in science?
Let’s support girls and women in shaping our future!
Learn more: https://www.unesco.org/en/days/women-girls-science #EveryVoiceInScience #WomenInScience
Today #UNSC met to discuss Syria.
Only inclusive political process in which women fully & safely participate can lead to a sustainable political solution.
Further, respect for sovereignty, territorial integrity & unity of Syria remain imperative, as is ensuring accountability.
Read the full statement on our website 👇:
On #RedHandDay, Slovenia 🇸🇮 recalls that using children as soldiers is prohibited under international law & calls on parties to conflicts to end the use of child soldiers.
Let children not be robbed of their childhood!
At the Commission for Social Development 🇸🇮 advocated for:
🔹️Eradicating child poverty
🔹️Supporting women & upholding zero tolerance to gender-based violence
🔹️Prioritizing the rights of older persons & persons with disabilities
🔹️Strengthening social welfare systems.
Read the full statement on our website 👇:
On the 10th International Day of Women & Girls in Science, we recognize the groundbreaking contributions of women & girls to science and renew our commitment to breaking down the barriers that still hinder their full participation in the scientific community. - MFEA @tfajon 🇸🇮.