Slovenija izrazila zadovoljstvo ob napovedi premirja v Gazi in dogovoru o izpustitvi talcev
Slovenija izraža zadovoljstvo ob dogovoru o premirju med Hamasom in Izraelom, ki omogoča…
S spoštovanjem mednarodnega prava, preprečevanjem konfliktov, zagovarjanjem transparentnosti in spodbujanjem agende o ženskah, miru in varnosti.
Z osredotočenostjo na podnebje in varnost, vodno diplomacijo, prehransko varnost in otroke v oboroženih spopadih.
Slovenija izraža zadovoljstvo ob dogovoru o premirju med Hamasom in Izraelom, ki omogoča…
Varnostni svet se je danes sestal na nujni seji zaradi balistične rakete srednjega dosega, ki…
Varnostni svet je danes na predlog Slovenije in drugih držav pripravil brifing o visoki stopnji prehranske negotovosti v Sudanu. Na zasedanju so…
Slovenija je postala država članica Organizacije združenih narodov 22. maja 1992. S tem je bil končan proces osamosvojitve in Slovenija je postala suverena, neodvisna in mednarodno priznana država. Vstop v organizacijo predstavlja velik diplomatski uspeh, zato smo v obeležitev dogodka 22. maj razglasili za dan slovenske diplomacije.
Stalno predstavništvo Republike Slovenije v Organizaciji združenih narodov. | Krepimo zaupanje. Varujemo prihodnost.
With the third anniversary approaching, the war in Ukraine rages on with no end in sight. At #UNSC briefing, requested by 🇸🇮 & 🇺🇲, Slovenia reaffirmed its support for 🇺🇦.
To achieve a sustainable peace, upholding the UN Charter and holding Russia to account remain paramount.
Read the full statement on our website 👇:
Also adopted ✅: A resolution on Libya sanctions which updates the regime and renews the UN Panel of Experts’ mandate.
Slovenia 🇸🇮 voted in favour of the resolution. We continue to believe that fit-for-purpose sanctions can contribute to a more stable & peaceful Libya.
#UNSC has adopted a presidential statement on Lebanon 🇱🇧:
▪️welcoming the election of the President of Lebanon and designation of the PM
▪️welcoming the cessation of hostilities arrangement between Israel and Lebanon
▪️calling for full implementation of #UNSC resolution 1701.
This afternoon (16 January), the #UNSC will hold a briefing on #Ukraine, at the request of @SLOtoUN and @USUN. USG @DicarloRosemary is expected to brief.
📖Read more:
📚 SCR on Ukraine:
@SLOtoUN is proud that Ambassador Samuel Žbogar, alongside Amb. Osama Abdel Khalek @EgyptPRNewYork, has been appointed by @UN_PGA and President of the #UNSC to co-facilitate the intergovernmental consultations for the UN Peacebuilding architecture Review in 2025.
We are honored by this trust and look forward to working with everyone on further strengthening the UNPBA. 🇺🇳🤝
@SLOtoUN is proud that Ambassador Samuel Žbogar, alongside Amb. Osama Abdel Khalek @EgyptPRNewYork, has been appointed by @UN_PGA and President of the #UNSC to co-facilitate the intergovernmental consultations for the UN Peacebuilding Review in 2025.
We are honored by this trust and look forward to working with everyone on further strengthening the UNPBA. 🇺🇳🤝