
Statement on the Nord Stream incident

Statement by Representative of Slovenia to the UN Security Council Ambassador Samuel Žbogar at the briefing on the threats to international peace and security

Thank you very much Mister President,

I would also like to thank Assistant Secretary-General Jenča and Ms. Niyazberdiyeva for their contribution and insight. I also take note of the statement by Mr. Johnson.

Mister President,

Critical civilian infrastructure needs to be protected at all times, regardless if it is a hospital in Gaza, a power plant in Ukraine or pipelines in the Baltic Sea.

Slovenia is concerned with the several instances of damage done to the underwater infrastructure that occurred in recent times, including the submarine communication cables cut in the Red Sea in early March or the damage done to the Balticconnector gas pipeline last October.

Slovenia condemns the act of sabotage directed against the Nord Stream pipelines in September 2022. We are especially concerned with the environmental impact of the incident, as it appears to have caused the single largest discharge of methane ever recorded.

Slovenia appreciates the transparency of the countries investigating the act of sabotage, and notes that Denmark and Sweden have concluded their national investigations on the incident in line with the fundamental principles of the rule of law. At the same time, we note that the investigative efforts of German authorities are ongoing. We trust Germany and its investigators to continue investing all efforts into a comprehensive and impartial investigation of the circumstances of the incident and to get to the bottom of the issue.

Slovenia remains ready to support Council action in relation to the security of underwater infrastructure, including Nord Stream pipelines. We will support any initiative that is in line with the principle of the rule of law and supports ongoing investigations.

Thank you.

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