
Statement on the situation in Gaza

Statement by Representative of Slovenia to the UN Security Council Ambassador Samuel Žbogar at the briefing on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question, UN SC resolution 2720

Thank you, Mister President.

I also thank Senior Humanitarian and Reconstruction Coordinator for Gaza Ms Kaag for her briefing to the Council. We welcome her update on the implementation of her mandate in line with resolution 2720.

Colleagues, in resolution 2720, the Security Council demanded that parties to the conflict allow, facilitate and enable the immediate, safe and unhindered delivery of humanitarian assistance at scale directly to the Palestinian civilian population throughout the Gaza Strip.

People are dying in Gaza due to malnutrition and dehydration. This is not assistance at scale.

People are dying in Gaza collecting assistance. This is not safe.

People are dying in Gaza as basic humanitarian and medical items are denied due to dual use. This is not unhindered.

People are still dying in Gaza as they do not get adequate assistance today. The resolution was adopted in December.  This is not immediate.

Slovenia is deeply concerned over the continuously deteriorating humanitarian situation in Gaza, reaching catastrophic levels and imminent famine. We remain profoundly concerned over the threat of a full-scale operation in Rafah and we join other members of the Council and call on Israel not to carry it out.

We call for the removal of all barriers to the delivery of humanitarian assistance. As stipulated in resolution 2720, this includes opening all available routes and border crossings. We call on Israel to fully implement the announced opening of the Erez crossing and use of the Ashdod port. We stress the importance of facilitating the delivery of humanitarian aid from Jordan and Egypt.

Madam Kaag, we welcome your efforts to ensure the implementation of resolution 2720, and to establish the mechanism for facilitation, acceleration and verification of humanitarian relief for Gaza. We welcome your engagement with a number of partners. We deeply appreciate efforts of countries in establishing a maritime corridor and continuing to give hope through airdrops. However, we underline that land routes remain the safest and most efficient way of delivering assistance at scale.

We are particularly concerned over the safety and security of UN humanitarian personnel working in Gaza. Much more is left to do to ensure full implementation of resolution 2720.  This includes significant improvements in the deconfliction mechanism, the removal of constraints to fuel supply, addressing delays and insecurities at checkpoints, and allowing the entry of appropriate safety equipment for UN and humanitarian workers. While we welcome the recent entry of 15 out of 30 new trucks to enhance delivery, we underline that many trucks have been destroyed in the ongoing conflict. All these barriers inevitably hinder the UN capacities and efforts.

Slovenia believes a number of barriers can be lifted with political will only. This includes better border crossing coordination and smoother inspection processes, as well as a sufficient number of drivers and trucks being cleared for use. It includes the full use of existing capabilities, such as UNRWA which remains the backbone of the humanitarian response in Gaza. And it includes ensuring safety and security to humanitarian workers and drivers, also in different high-risk areas throughout Gaza.

At the end – and very importantly – it includes greater predictability in aid delivery.

Slovenia repeats its call for the full implementation of 2712, 2720 and 2728, as well as the ICJ provisional measures of 26 January and 28 March.

We call for the full respect of international law, including international humanitarian law and human rights law. We once again underline the need for accountability. We share the concern expressed by the High Commissioner for Human Rights regarding reported discoveries of mass graves in Al Shifa and Al Nasser Medical Complexes.

Mister President,

I have said it behind closed doors and I repeat it again: the pictures and news coming from Gaza will haunt us. They will haunt us as individuals sitting on the Council and as the Council itself. There is only one way to adequately address this situation: we once again call for an immediate ceasefire, the release of hostages and removal of all barriers to humanitarian aid. This must be followed by a meaningful commitment to a political process.

Thank you.

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