
Explanation of vote on the Palestinian bid for full UN membership

Explanation of vote by Representative of Slovenia to the UN Security Council Ambassador Samuel Žbogar at the meeting on the admission of new members

Thank you Madam President,

Slovenia voted in favor of the recommendation of the Security Council for membership of the State of Palestine in the United Nations.

The two-state solution, where two democratic States, Israel and Palestine, live side by side in peace, is the only long-term sustainable option. Slovenia continues calling for full respect of international law and peaceful resolution of conflicts. At this point, our main objectives continue being two-fold: addressing the current situation in Gaza and resuming political process towards a two-state solution.

We are of the view that the membership of the State of Palestine in the UN could significantly support this process, which should address all outstanding issues, support the State of Palestine and guarantee security for Israel. Membership in the UN is not an alternative to negotiations but complementary to them.

We believe that the UN should play a crucial role in the peace process, and therefore both states should have an equal status at the UN.

Madam President,

Slovenia is of the view that Palestine meets the criteria set out by Article 4 of the UN Charter.

Granting membership in the UN to Palestine could be an important step towards peace. It would strengthen the role of the Palestinian Authority, and would contribute to the security of Israel as well.

We maintain our view that Palestine’s right to self-determination and UN membership are not contrary to Israel’s right to exist and be secure. We believe any two-state solution must be built on mutual recognition and sovereign equality.

Thank you.

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