Statement on the situation in Yemen
13 February 2025 – Statement by the Republic of Slovenia at the meeting on the situation in the Middle East, Yemen
Statement by Political Coordinator Klemen Ponikvar at the Arria-formula meeting titled “Unlocking the Potential of Science for Peace and Security”
Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I would like to begin by joining others in thanking Switzerland for organizing this Arria meeting today.
I would also like to thank Ms. Fore, Dr Langenbach and Lieutenant General Subramanian for their insightful briefings.
Mr. Chair,
In today’s interconnected world, scientific knowledge and technological advancements already enhance the Council’s ability to respond to complex global challenges. But it can do so much more.
Allow me to address three points relevant to this matter.
First, it is important to note that by leveraging evidence-based assessments of past and present risks, science can support Member States in better understanding and anticipating areas of potential crisis and conflicts.
This, in turn, enables them to make informed decisions.
For instance, monitoring and early warning systems such as satellite imagery and remote sensing monitor conflict zones, track movements of armed groups, and assess damage to infrastructure in real time.
Furthermore, advancements in data science, including machine learning, offer additional opportunities for the systematic collection and analysis of data, enabling the Council to anticipate and mitigate risks multipliers more effectively.
In pursuit of this objective, Mr. Chair,
It is imperative to integrate analysis stemming from scientific tools more systematically into the work of this Council.
This brings me to my second point.
The Council needs to continue collaborating with other entities within and outside the UN System, especially when this collaboration involves engagement with scientific institutions to access cutting-edge research and expertise, and facilitate the incorporation of scientific knowledge into the Council’s decision-making process.
Through fostering such collaborations, the Council can enhance its capacity to comprehensively address global challenges.
Mr. Chair,
Third, Slovenia believes that strengthening field missions with scientific knowledge and technological advancements is crucial.
Missions have already demonstrated their ability in this regard, addressing challenges such as water planning and management, food security risks, and climate extremes.
However, there is further potential for the Council to achieve this in various other fields.
Let me provide some of the examples.
In terms of operational efficiency, science can assess the effectiveness of current missions and propose enhancements in logistic, resource allocation and tactical strategies.
Regarding technology integration, the use of technologies can enhance surveillance, communication and operational capabilities of peacekeeping forces.
In conclusion, Mr. Chair,
I would like to emphasize that Member States have a critical role to play in leveraging scientific knowledge and technological advancements within the Council’s work.
This commitment entails supporting initiatives aimed at integrating scientific tools and expertise into the Council’s decision-making process.
Of great importance is also fostering a culture of collaboration and evidence-based knowledge sharing, which can facilitate the exchange of best practices and lessons learned among Council members and ultimately promote trust.
I thank you.
13 February 2025 – Statement by the Republic of Slovenia at the meeting on the situation in the Middle East, Yemen
12 February 2025 – Statement by Representative of Slovenia to the UN Security Council Ambassador Samuel Žbogar at the meeting on the situation in the Middle East, Syria
11 February 2025 – Statement by Ambassador Samuel Žbogar, Chargé d’ affaires, at the 63rd Session of the Commission for Social Development, Agenda item 3(a) and (b), general discussion