
Statement on the situation in Iraq

Statement by Representative of Slovenia to the UN Security Council Ambassador Samuel Žbogar at the briefing on the situation concerning Iraq

Thank you very much, Mr. President,

I would like to thank the Special Representative Hennis-Plasschaert for her briefing and above all, I would like to thank her for her dedicated commitment that she has demonstrated in the service of the UN for Iraq and Iraqi people throughout her mandate over the past five years.

I would also like to welcome the representative of Iraq and the representative of Kuwait to the meeting.

We join the UN Secretary-General and Special Representative in acknowledging the progress Iraq has made in recent years and the important contribution of UNAMI to Iraq’s peace and stability.

The statement of the SRSG that Iraq is today a different country from the one that UNAMI was deployed 21 years ago, speaks loudly of Iraq’s progress as well as of UNAMI’s success.

When reflecting on the future of the mission’s mandate, we need to lean on all available information. While the Independent Strategic Review of UNAMI highlights some of the current challenges to Iraq’s peace and security, we recognize its recommendation for UNAMI to begin to transition its task to national institutions and to the UN Country Team.

We also take note of the letter of Prime Minister of Iraq Al Sudani addressed to Secretary General Guterres regarding the future of UNAMI.

As we embark on the deliberations on the future role of the UN in Iraq, in full respect of Iraq’s sovereignty, Slovenia underscores the importance of strengthening and preserving domestic stability to further progress on the path to stability, to preserve achievements made so far and to establish Iraq as a place for dialogue, cooperation and resilience to challenges in a volatile region. This is important for the Iraqi people and a prosperous and democratic future of Iraq, as well as regional stability. 

Slovenia highlights the importance of allowing enough time for the transition to happen in a responsible, orderly and gradual manner, and to the best benefit for Iraq and Iraqi people.  

I would like to focus on three points:

First, Slovenia encourages the Government of Iraq to maintain its commitment to reforms that include protecting human rights, building democratic and accountable institutions, sustainable economic reforms and fighting corruption. These reforms need to be implemented swiftly to meet the requests and aspirations of the Iraqi people. Slovenia appreciates the UNAMI’s support to Iraqi institutions. In this sense, national efforts to consolidate state institutions and democratic practices must continue.

Slovenia also calls for an intensification of the dialogue on the issues still outstanding between Bagdad and Erbil.  

Efforts that will create a peaceful and safe environment for all Iraqis, living in peace with its neighbors, are of utmost importance. Equally important is the creation of political, social and economic opportunities for addressing root causes of violent extremism conducive to terrorism as well as dealing with the situation of the displaced and missing persons.

Rule of law and respect of human rights are essential to prevent recurring cycles of crisis. We encourage the Government of Iraq to protect and promote human rights, including the right of freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly. It is important for the stability of the country that civic space is protected and defended – this allows a multitude of voices to be heard in a respectful manner, and it allows building trust. It is equally important that national human rights bodies are effective and independent. In addition, perpetrators of human rights violations must be held accountable for their actions.

Slovenia also reiterates the importance of continuous cooperation between Iraq and Kuwait on the file of missing Kuwaitis and third-country nationals. The UN should continue to remain closely engaged on this file. For Slovenia, the tragic experience of the wars in the Western Balkans, where 11 000 people are still missing, is close to home and demonstrates the central place of “the right to know” in international humanitarian and human rights law. 

Second, we commend the positive role Iraq plays in the region. In particular, we note its diplomatic efforts to advance stability, including through engagement and dialogue with regional partners. We encourage Iraq to continue to play this role. As the security situation in the wider region and in Iraq remains volatile, we once again reiterate our appeal to all sides to exercise maximum restraint.

Third, climate change is a destabilizing factor in Iraq. It is one of the elements contributing to droughts and water scarcity, with serious consequences for agriculture and food security. We welcome Iraq’s willingness to work with its neighbors on joint management of transboundary water resources and welcome UNAMI’s support to this end.

Mr. President,

In conclusion, I would like to reiterate our commitment to Iraq’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. This Council must support Iraq with a unified voice as it continues its journey towards a stable and prosperous future.

Thank you.

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