
Statement on DPRK Satellite Launch

Statement by the Republic of Slovenia at the UNSC Briefing on Non-proliferation (DPRK)

Mr. President,

I wish to thank ASG Khiari for his briefing.

Mr. President,

Let me make three points on behalf of my delegation:

One – Security Council resolutions are binding and must be implemented. Their persistent and flagrant violations are unacceptable. Slovenia condemns the latest launch of short-range ballistic missiles that North Korea conducted yesterday and the launch of military reconnaissance satellite launch last Monday. The technology used in the satellite launch is directly related to the DPRK’s ballistic missile program. It represents another destabilizing act.

Slovenia calls on the DPRK to cease with its provocative actions and return to dialogue and diplomacy. The DPRK should ensure full implementation of all relevant UN resolutions with a view of abandoning its nuclear weapons, other WMDs and ballistic missile programs in a complete, verifiable and irreversible manner. Until then, we will keep calling on all states to implement fully and effectively the sanctions in force.

Two – Military cooperation between Russia and the DPRK. The situation in the Korean peninsula has taken a wrong turn. While the DPRK is developing its ballistic missiles in contravention of the Security Council resolutions, evidence has emerged that Russia is procuring these same missiles in order to fuel its aggression against Ukraine.

This is another serious violation of Security Council resolutions and needs to be further addressed.

Three – Termination of the work of the 1718 Panel of Experts. After the military cooperation between the two countries expanded last year, non-proliferation architecture suffered another hit. This time due to Russia’s veto on 1718 Panel of Experts mandate extension. It has been a month since the Panel has terminated its work and we are slowly beginning to grasp the consequences of this harmful decision.

Slovenia is of the firm conviction that there is still a chance to bring the Panel back. This Council should not spare any effort on this front.

Mr. President,

The Security Council should address and condemn all violations of international law and its own resolutions. Our inaction in cases where permanent members are involved exposes double standards and puts at risk the Council’s authority and efficacy in addressing matters of international peace and security, as entrusted to it by the UN Charter.

We can do better, we should do better.

I thank you Mr. President.

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