
Statement on military aid to Ukraine

Statement by Representative of Slovenia to the UN Security Council Ambassador Samuel Žbogar at the briefing on the threats to international peace and security

Thank you very much, Mr. President,

I wish to thank the briefers for their contribution and I also want to welcome the representative of Ukraine in this Chamber.

Mr. President,

Let me make a couple of points on behalf of my delegation:

Firstly, and this cannot be emphasized enough, any country under foreign invasion has a right to defend itself in accordance with Article 51 of the Charter and the applicable international legal framework. Our aid to Ukraine supports this inalienable right and we will continue to do so until this war of aggression ends.

Secondly, Slovenia would like to recall that the Panel of Experts travelled to Ukraine in April and ascertained that a missile that landed in Kharkiv in January is  in fact a Hwasong 11 series missile of DPRK origin. Slovenia is deeply concerned over the mounting evidence on Russia’s missile procurement from the DPRK. This is a violation of multiple Security Council resolutions and needs to be urgently addressed.

We would also like to express our dismay over Security Council’s inability to extend the mandate of the 1718 Panel of Experts, which should have been extended, but it was instead vetoed by the Russian Federation.

Mr. President,

It is high time for the Council to fulfil its mandate enshrined in the UN Charter and ensure peace and security will come to the Ukrainian people. In this era of erosion of respect for the UN Charter, international law, international humanitarian law, Security Council resolutions and sanctions, we need to reflect on how to rebuild trust to secure the relevance of this body and most of all to secure our future.

Thank you.

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