
Statement on the situation in Yemen

Statement by Representative of Slovenia to the UN Security Council Ambassador Samuel Žbogar at the briefing on the situation in the Middle East, Yemen

I shall now make a statement in my capacity as the Representative of the Republic of Slovenia.

I want to thank Special Envoy Grundberg, Acting Under-Secretary-General Msuya as well as Ms. Al Obahi for today’s informative and sobering briefing. And I welcome the Ambassador of Yemen in the chamber.


We have recently marked a grim milestone – three months since the detention by the Houthis of UN staff, as well as other humanitarians and members of civil society, in a brutal crackdown. Today, these staff remain in captivity without access. Their unlawful detention is unacceptable. They are members of our UN family and it is an affront to every member of this organization. I heard today a united call for their immediate and unconditional release.

These detentions paired with the deteriorating operational environment in areas under Houthi’s control come at a time of growing humanitarian needs and rapidly increasing acute malnutrition. We welcome WFP’s ongoing emergency general food distribution. We are also following with concern the devastating impact of recent flooding, which has affected hundreds of thousands of Yemenis, aggravated the displacement crisis and exacerbated the outbreak of diseases. We emphasize that peace and security are key preconditions necessary to begin strengthening Yemenis’ climate resilience in a sustainable and meaningful way.


Last month Houthi attacks in the Red Sea reached a new low, with the attack on the MV Sounion oil tanker. The risk of a serious and unprecedented environmental disaster resulting from this attack is alarming and should be a cause for serious concern for us all. It is particularly alarming for countries in the region who rely on these crucial waterways. And it makes clear the significant risks of conflict-related environmental harm.

EU Operation ASPIDES has been assisting in a salvage operation, which is regrettably stalled due to safety concerns. We hope for a safe and speedy resolution to this crisis and call on the Houthis to immediately cease their Red Sea attacks. The humanitarian and environmental imperative is clear.


All parties in Yemen must comply with their obligations under international humanitarian and human rights law. We call on all actors to engage with the Special Envoy in good faith and in the full knowledge of the compromises that will be necessary to bring Yemen towards a more peaceful future. We must avoid further engulfing Yemen and its people in a broader regional conflagration. There is an urgent need to get the peace process and discussions on the Special Envoy’s Roadmap back on track. Recent progress on the economic front is proof that it can be done. We acknowledge the role of the Special Envoy and regional countries on that front.

One key point which we wish to make today, and which has already been reinforced so eloquently by our briefer Ms. Linda Al Obahi, is that any future peace in Yemen will only be sustainable if it is fully inclusive. Yemeni women have long shaped peacebuilding and conflict resolution in their country. Their full, equal, meaningful and safe participation should be ensured in all of Yemen’s peace and security processes, and in humanitarian efforts. This is the joint responsibility of all actors in Yemen and the region, of the UN, and of this Council and its members. We support the Envoy’s “bottom-up” approach, and the work of Peace Track Initiative. And we stress the 30 percent quota for women’s participation agreed upon by Yemeni parties in the National Dialogue Conference.

So Ms. Al Obahi, we hear you loud and clear: all Yemenis should be part of designing a peace which delivers for all people.

I resume my function as President of the Council.

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