
Statement on Ukrainian prisoners of war and civilian detainees

Statement by the Republic of Slovenia at the Arria-formula meeting on “Violations of international humanitarian law against Ukrainian prisoners of war and civilian detainees”

Thank you Chair,

I would like to thank you and the co-sponsors for organizing today’s meeting. I also wish to thank the briefers and I take note of their statements.

Mr. Chair,

Slovenia is gravely concerned with Russia’s violations of international humanitarian and human rights law, perpetrated during its war of aggression against Ukraine.

And as underlined by Mr. Greiff today, we are particularly concerned over the findings of the Commission of Inquiry on Russia’s widespread and systematic use of torture against Ukrainian prisoners of war and civilian detainees.

The use of sexual violence as a form of torture is distressing to say the least. And most disturbingly, it seems that these appalling acts were committed pursuant to a coordinated State policy. They amount to crimes against humanity.  

We underline the importance of assessing the conditions, in which detainees and prisoners are held, and call on Russia to ensure unrestricted access to the ICRC and other independent monitors.

Moreover, since August of last year, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) has recorded an alarming increase in credible reports of executions of Ukrainian prisoners of war. Since the war started, the OHCHR also verified summary executions of 170 civilians in areas controlled by Russia. Slovenia condemns these acts in the strongest possible terms.

Mr. Chair,

International law is clear and international humanitarian law is clear.  Such practices must cease immediately.

Let me also touch upon reports of instances, in which Russian prisoners of war have been subjected to torture and ill-treatment. We understand that these incidents are already under the investigation by relevant national authorities. We wish to recall that international humanitarian law is equally applicable to any warring party. And all such violations need to come to an immediate stop.

Slovenia underlines that all acts of torture, ill-treatment and executions of prisoners of war are unacceptable. We also call on Russia and Ukraine to continue with the practice of prisoners’ exchange.

At the same time, the lack of accountability for maltreatment of civilian detainees and prisoners of war needs to be addressed, regardless of the perpetrator.

We advocate for victims and survivors to have a central role in these processes and continue to call for timely, effective and comprehensive accountability measures. In this context, Slovenia supports the activities of the International Criminal Court.

Mr. Chair,

There will be no lasting peace for Ukraine without ensuring accountability for violations of international law committed during this war. Impunity needs to end and justice needs to be brought to all victims of this war.

I thank you.

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