Statement on the situation in Yemen
13 February 2025 – Statement by the Republic of Slovenia at the meeting on the situation in the Middle East, Yemen
Statement by Deputy Permanent Representative of Slovenia to the United Nations Saša Jurečko at the briefing on the situation in the Middle East
Thank you Mr. President.
I wish to thank USG Lacroix and Major General Gauchat for their briefings.
Mr. President,
This week has been marked by an important breakthrough. Filled with hope, we welcome the ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, and we call for the full implementation of the agreement. After more than a year of suffering, this is a crucial step to pave the way for peace for Israelis and Palestinians, as well as for the people in the region.
While witnessing changes in the region that give us hope, it is important to note that peace is fragile if commitments are not upheld. This is the moment for actors in the region to deliver on the promises made and agreements reached, whether recent or decades old. It is the moment for actors in the region to respect sovereignty and territorial integrity, and to show restraint to prevent any further escalation.
Mr. President,
Slovenia underlines its strong support to the work of UNIFIL, UNDOF and UNTSO. Their presence is and must remain a factor of stability. The freedom of movement of personnel must be ensured, together with their safety and security which remain an utmost priority. We are concerned over the challenging operational environment, including by some of the issues presented today.
Firstly, we underline that there should be no military forces or activities in the Area of Separation overseen by UNDOF. All parties must uphold the terms of the 1974 Disengagement of Forces Agreement, maintain the ceasefire and preserve stability on the Golan. We are therefore deeply alarmed by the presence and operations of Israeli forces, including the positioning on Syrian Mount Hernon and recent airstrikes. These are violations of the Agreement.
Slovenia reiterates its longstanding position that we do not recognise Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights.
Secondly, we welcome the notable progress in Lebanon in the recent weeks, both on the security and political fronts. Therefore it is all the more important that the international community shows strong support to these positive developments. In relation to the ceasefire agreement, it is crucial that the provisions of the agreement are fully upheld. This includes a timely and full withdrawal of the IDF and the deployment of Lebanese Armed Forces, which certainly needs bolstered assistance. UNIFIL plays an important supporting role which we welcome.
We are concerned about the violations that still persist and underline our call for the full implementation of UN Security Council resolution 1701 without exceptions. We also underline that only positive trust-building measures and continuous steps to implement the ceasefire agreement in its entirety will ensure that hostilities do not resume and peace and stability prevail.
I thank you.
13 February 2025 – Statement by the Republic of Slovenia at the meeting on the situation in the Middle East, Yemen
12 February 2025 – Statement by Representative of Slovenia to the UN Security Council Ambassador Samuel Žbogar at the meeting on the situation in the Middle East, Syria
11 February 2025 – Statement by Ambassador Samuel Žbogar, Chargé d’ affaires, at the 63rd Session of the Commission for Social Development, Agenda item 3(a) and (b), general discussion